Thursday, April 16, 2009

All Good Things Must Come To An End

WASHINGTON, DC (WUSA) - It's not in protest of government TARP money or new Defense Department policies that caused Greg Nelson to take down a 6 foot tall Obama cutout.
It was the President's decision to pick a Portuguese water dog as the nations' "first canine" that irked the marketing executive.
Nelson heads a group called Labradoodles for Obama that urged the President to pick the mixture labrador and poodle breed for the family's pet. He knows from experience. Arbo, a two-year-old miniature labradoodle, is both Nelson's pet and the public face of the "Labradoodles for Obama" campaign.
"Yes I was disappointed at the selection," Nelson said. "Labradoodles were bred 30 years ago to combine the mellow behavior of a labrador and the smarts of a poodle." A combination he says would make a perfect First Pet.
Using several venues from the Internet to good old lawn signs, Nelson signed up hundreds in support of making the labradoodle the first dog. His online store sold merchandise and raised thousands for the Washington Animal Rescue League.
Yes, this is all in fun but then again this is Washington DC and politics always seem to come into play. "How can we compete with the Kennedy name and reputation?" Nelson muses. The Obama's dog was a gift from Massachuchetts Senator Ted Kennedy. Written by Greg Guise9NEWS NOW &

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